100MW Allocation
2025 we are releasing the first phase of 100MW allocation secured on PPA MOU agreement and delivered by the third quarter 2026.
Commercial and industrial use only with or without CHP Fuel Cell and transportation, gas or liquid options available.
Bespoke or hybrid PPA available for companies that require liquid Oxygen, liquid Nitrogen, distilled water.
The 2025 100MW allocation will be price at £5 per Kilo of green hydrogen (15 year fixed) plus relevant taxes no sleeving unless delivered via the grid or the Cadent pipeline which will be provided with a formal quotation.
Length of time for the PPA is negotiable between 5, 10 or 15 Years and period will determine the kg price.
Minimum volume orders will apply. PPA will be based on the Euro Trader international standards and will require conditions precedent to be stratified by both parties.
MOU and signed PPA’s can be used by the supplier to secure project finance.
Prices exclude Government incentives such as Cfd at the time of writing we are not eligible for HAR1 or HAR” but will apply for HAR3 and the 740
Summary of PPA
Executive Summary: EFET Individual Power Purchase Agreement (Version 1.0/June 2019)
1. Subject of Agreement:
– Governs the purchase, sale, delivery and acceptance of electricity and/or Certificates between the Seller and Buyer.
– Can cover Physical Settlement (actual delivery) or Financial Settlement (payment for price difference).
– May additionally govern the provision of Balancing Services by the Buyer to the Seller.
2. Key Definitions and Interpretation:
– Defines key terms used in the agreement. EECS Rules definitions take precedence.
– Inconsistencies resolved in favor of Individual Terms over General Provisions, and this Agreement over Support/Direct Agreements.
3. Conditions Precedent:
– Lists Seller’s and Buyer’s conditions that must be satisfied before agreement becomes effective.
– Includes obtaining approvals, access rights, grid connection for Seller; approvals and credit support for Buyer.
– Can be terminated if conditions not met by longstop date.
4. Construction and Commissioning of Facility:
– Seller must construct and commission facility by Scheduled Commissioning Date.
– Liquidated damages and partial commissioning provisions can apply if facility is delayed or not fully commissioned.
– Buyer may have right to terminate if commissioning longstop date is missed.
5. Forecasting and Outages:
– Seller must provide forecasts of expected generation.
– Planned and unplanned outage procedures are defined.
6. Metering:
– Metering requirements for electricity delivered are outlined.
– Dispute resolution process for metering issues.
7. Obligations Concerning the Facility:
– Seller’s operating and maintenance standards for the facility.
– Buyer’s access to facility information and documentation.
8. Delivery, Acceptance and Transmission:
– Seller must deliver and Buyer must accept Contract Quantity.
– Delivery point, risk transfer, transmission responsibilities allocated.
– Seller’s obligation to deliver free of encumbrances.
9. Non-Performance Remedies:
– Remedies for failure to deliver and accept electricity and Certificates.
– Replacement electricity/Certificate provisions. Right to refuse future deliveries.
10. Financial Settlement:
– Payment of price differential between Contract Price and market reference price.
– Deemed delivered quantities if shortfall not due to force majeure/change in law.
11. Force Majeure:
– Defines force majeure events. Affected party excused from delivery/acceptance.
– Extended force majeure may allow termination rights.
12. Change in Law:
– Process to amend agreement if change in law materially affects rights or economics.
– Dispute resolution by expert if parties cannot agree on amendments.
13. Credit Support and Performance Assurance:
– Requires parties to provide credit support documents.
– Material Adverse Change may entitle other party to request performance assurance.
14. Invoicing and Payment:
– Monthly invoicing of delivered amounts. Payment on or before due date.
– Interest applies to late payments. Disputed amounts process.
15. Liability:
– Excludes indirect/consequential damages. Caps liability at agreed amount.
– Indemnities for certain third party claims.
In summary, this is a detailed PPA template agreement covering the key operational, delivery, financial and risk allocation provisions for the sale and purchase of electricity and related Certificates.